On-going full-stack development of audio mastering and analysis applications. Development of Laravel based RESTful API with Vue SPA front-end admin portal for managging hundreds of clients.
https://sageaudio.comInitial design, spec and full-stack development of radio analytics MVP application. Design and implement Laravel based RESTful API with Vue SPA client facing front-end.
https://spintel.ioDevelopment of locally based multi-language dating application for Thailand. Full-stack development including RESTful Laravel API, Vue SPA client facing front-end and SPA prerender for SEO.
https://thaimatch.comFull-stack development of social media content management application for hundreds of active clients. Developed Laravel RESTful API with Vue SPA client facing front-end.
https://mixbloom.comCanadian based rent, sell & buy property finder application. Developed in Laravel, Vue and jQuery in coordination with existing team. Heavy integration with Google Maps API services.
https://gryd.comA fully featured authentication plugin for Vue.js compatible with both Vue 2 and 3. The plugin integrates directly with other plugins such as vue-router allowing easy mainpulation of route access via 'auth' meta.
http://github.com/websanova/vue-authA fully featured upload plugin for Vue.js compatible with both Vue 2 and 3. The plugin has many features including single and multi file upload, i18n support, and full integration with existing libraries such as Axios.
http://github.com/websanova/vue-uploadA simple and lightweight url parser for JavaScript. The library offers simple syntax sugaring to quickly parse complex urls with shortcuts such as "url('?')" which returns an object of all query params.